A few months ago I put together these fun Articles of Faith Memorization Printable Cards for my Activity Days Girls! I’ve since been called to teach primary to the kids that are turning 8 and we’ve been using them in class too! Such a fun way to help the kids become more familiar with the Articles of Faith!
There are two downloads below – one for the fronts of the cards and one for the backs of the cards. Each download is a 2 page download. So, when you print the document you’ll print your page front and back. That way the cards are two sided!
After I print the pages I ran them through my affordable home laminator! Then I cut the cards out! You could cut the cards first and place them individually into the laminating sheets and then cut all around them too. Which ever way you prefer!
After I had them all cut, I punched a hole in the upper corner of the cards. Make sure you have the same side of the cards facing forward when you punch the holes! Otherwise they won’t all go on the ring right.
Lastly, put them all on a ring! That way your kids can easily grab them off their night stand to practice or to take them to church to practice during Sacrament Meeting!
In order to print a complete set of the Articles of Faith cards, you’ll need to download both links below! One of for the fronts of the cards and one is for the backs!
I hope these come in handy can help your kids learn their Articles of Faith! Have a great weekend!
Lori Wright
I love this. Is It possible to get an updated version with mistakes taken out? I have found several typos in some of them. I would like to use these for my primary kids but don’t want to confuse the kids.
Isn’t there an error in number 2 as well.should be a T instead of an H…
Be wary using these for church use. They are super cute, and I appreciate the free download, but there are a few mistakes (7, 8, 13) that make it difficult for kids who are trying to memorize them verbatim. I just fixed them with a sharpie before laminating.
Thank you for pointing those out. 8 is an easy fix, but the other two (especially 13) are not so much. Hopefully they get fixed soon!
Thank you. I picked out number 7 at a glance but will go through and check them all.
Jessica Moore
It gives me an error page when I try to download these. Can you send me the correct link? Thanks!
Stephanie Gillenwater
I love these and want to use them for my Activity Days girls. Whenever I click on it to download them it says that there is an error. I am wondering if I can still have you send me the document or not. Maybe to my email address?
Tracey Philps
I would really like to print these out but nothing I try works.
Is there any way to get the downloads for the articles of faith. its not working and I see other people have had this trouble too. let me know thank you. These are perfect
Cory Caserta
I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this yet, so here goes:
In the 7th Article of Faith, fronts, (filled-in AOFs.), you have, “fit of tongues” instead of, “gift of toungues”.
This project reminds me of something similar that I did on my mission for learning the Articles of Faith as well as the 1987-1989 missionary discussions.
Thanks for putting this project together.
Nicole Q
These are exactly what I was looking for to help my daughter learn the AoF, but the links don’t work anymore. Do you still have them available to print?
Darcy Bevans
can not download. Problem finding file?
Darcy Bevans
Download files are not able to be found to download?? Help
could you send me these? the links don’t work.
i have figured it all out now thank for what must have been hours of loving work! we are so grateful <3
is this still available cause i cant get it , it says page not found
Julie Beeson
Thank you for these very cute cards! They were a hit with my Activity Day girls. We just noticed a few mistakes: Article of Faith #7, please remove the word “fit,” and replace it with “gift.” Article of Faith #8, please remove the word “in” where it says “We believe “in” the Bible to be the word of God. Article of Faith #13 after the word Paul, it should read, “We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured “many” things, and hope to be able to endure all things.”
Thank you so much!!
Julie Beeson
I would love to use these for my Activity Day girls but, I have downloaded the app and then it dosen’t take me to where I can download them. It just goes back to your website. Am I missing something? I was really hoping to get them today. Thanks!!
brooke johnson
Hi! The link is not working. Could you please email me the link? Thank you!!
brooke johnson
Hi! Link is not working. Could you please email it to me if possible? Love this idea of memorizing the Articles of Faith!!
Leah N
This is perfect for helping my Activity Days girls to memorize these for Faith in God. But the link is not working. Is there another way to access the files? Thank you so much.
Todd Kerr
Can you send me good links to these downloads? They look awesome and I’d like to use them to help my daughter learn the AoF. She took her huge Triple Combination on the school bus today and so I want to get her something small. Thanks!
I love this and would love to do it for my Activity Day girls, but looks like the links don’t work anymore. Is their a way to still get them? Thanks!
there are a couple of errors with the letter symbols page not matching the Articles Of Faith first letters. Have these been corrected?
Won’t the lamination come off if you laminate them before cutting them apart?
Would love to use these for Activity Days with 8 and 9 year old girls Dowanload no working from Printerest May I get them another way Thank you for sharing your time and talents
The links aren’t working. Is there another way to download them? They are so cute!
The links aren’t working to print these.
Hi, I am wanting to print these off for my son’s 8th birthday but it is not allowing me to download. It gives me a 404 warning. Any tips?
Elizabeth Tillotson
Thanks, I printed these out for my 11 year old Primary class. I love the clue side with initials of the words!
Pam Dana
I’m so glad you love them! My husband uses them in his class too!
Rebecca Atkin
These are super cute! Thank you for making them. I am so excited to use them with my kids as we help my oldest get ready to be baptized. When I printed them today I found four with errors. I just wanted to let you know but also was curious if you have an editable version. I am happy to fix them I just didn’t want to recreate the wheel if you already have the file. The errors are #2-on the back there is an h for their instead of a t, #7- says fit instead of gift, #8- need to take out “in” after we believe, should just be we believe the…, #11-on back missing the last two letters t m. Thank you again for making these! I love them!
Pam Dana
Thanks so much, I will work on getting those fixed!
Rebecca Atkin
Since I wrote the last comment we also noticed that #13 is missing the last phrase on the front side. We have loved these though! They have been an amazing help with my whole family learning the articles of faith. Thank you!
My husband figured it out! The URLs are wrong. Here are the correct ones:
thank you this worked!
will be able to edited?
Thalia Mansfield
#13 is missing- “endured many things and we hope to be able to” #7 says fit instead of gift
Has this been fixed anywhere?
The link is not working…..
Rebekah Mickelson
Very nice. Love the looks of them.
I too am getting a 404 page not found message.
I also get an error message when trying to download these. I was hoping to make these today so my daughter could take them to church. She’s trying to learn them and using the first letter of each is her favorite way to do this! I’m predicting extra peace in sacrament when I get these made. 🙂
I get an Error message when I try to click on the downloads. I am excited to print these for my kids. I will check back later. Thanks!
Dezi A
Super cute!! Thanks for sharing! I’ll definitely be printing these off for my sons to practice. (On #7 it looks like it says ‘fit’ instead of ‘gift’, just wanted to let you know.) Thanks!